with Taetske
Liberation comes not by changing anything, but by seeing through the illusions of thought.

About me
Welcome to my website. My name is Taetske Kleijn. I was born in 1958 and studied music and theater in The Hague, Brussels and Amsterdam. In 1993, Jeru Kabbal came my way. I was immediately captivated by this simple and profound path to seeing reality. The simplicity and integrity of Jeru himself also made a deep impression. With the help of his Clarity Process, I came step by step closer to a pure perception of reality. I was his student for the last 7 years of his life and completed the Clarity Process teacher training with him. He handed over teaching the workshops and Quantum Light Breath meditations to me. To give space to that, I founded center Tsuki in 1998 and quit my job in the year 2000 to devote myself to it full time.
After 25 years of running center Tsuki, it was time to slow down. In 2024, I took a sabbatical. As of now, I am available again for workshops and courses.
Go to if you want to read more.
Clarity Process and Quantum Light Breath
I work with Jeru Kabbal’s Clarity Process, a beautiful and effective path to clarity and understanding in the mids of everyday life. It is not a philosophical or intellectual approach, but practical and concrete. It invites you to be firmly grounded in daily life and step by step to clarify your view of yourself and the world. Part of this process is a powerful breathing meditation, the Quantum Light Breath.
Go to if you want to read more.

Stay tuned!
Welcome to my new more straightforward website. On my old now archived website you will find a wealth of background information about Jeru Kabbal and the Clarity Process.
Sign up for the newsletter and I’ll keep you informed of new offerings.
I have stepped into a new world, feeling like a dog allowed to go outside, FREE. Here at home, they all enjoy it, we dance in the kitchen and are one again. I now understand what is meant by living in the now. You can read it a hundred times but when you are still with that huge backpack, you don’t get a chance to look at the sky. I feel so much love and that energy! You would want to gift this to everyone, because this is the only luxury you need.
Prior to Clarity Process Week, I must admit that I was quite skeptical. Coming from a family where sobriety and science are paramount, I had yet to see it all. And I have! What a great gift this week was to myself!!! The easy and very practical exercises are great to fit into my daily life and give me so much RELAXATION and RUST in the first place. And that I can do that all by myself. Fantastic simply.
Clarity with Taetske

Start: February 13, 2025 (Bergheim, Germany)
Teacher Workshop (Supervision)

Start: March 28, 2025 (Bergheim, Germany)
Teacher Training – Individual Sessions

Start: October 11, 2025 (Casa Sangam, Italy)
Inner Core Master – Mantra & Four Lives